It's no secret that I enjoy the benefits of yoga, and I've talked about my love of the online site YogaToday, but recently they switched their entirely free menu to a subscription every month. I am not lamenting my loss, (they have an extremely reasonable subscription: $10 a month for everything while still offering one free class a week). My problem is I have allowed this to be one of the excuses for me not practicing lately. I have been busy with school, and all the other daily chores we accomplish everyday, but I have been feeling the neglect of my "inner balance." So I motivated myself to start stretching again this week, and I found out that YogaToday offers classes at youtube. Today I chose a 25 minute class on balncing poses. I knew going in that I would be shaky, but was pleased when the instructor announced, as if she had read my mind, that shaking was good. It meant you were toning, I was toning all areas of my body, mind, and soul. I realized, quite some time ago, that my core was weak. It disheartened me, but gave me something to strive for as well. In my head, your core is your very essence and to have it dawn on me that I was weak was a hard thought to swallow. So I followed my balancing class with a ten minute, three exercise quick, class for "deep core strengthening." It made me feel strong and in control, all while taxing my deep inner soul. A long time ago I had one of those earth shattering moments that change everything in your life; it created this weakness in me and has plagued me ever since. A few years back I vowed that I would not let that moment hold sway over me anymore. It is tough for me to keep that promise, but I manage to persevere. Life is good when I really think about it; it is nothing more than what I choose to make of make of it.
What's up Doc?
15 years ago
1 comment:
where have you been? 7/27/2010
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