Dec 26, 2006

A Year in Recap

So, I read my brother's blog the other day, and he gave a recap of all the things that went on for him and his family this year. So yet again, I will not be original, and I will steal this from my brother.(Honestly plagiarism is the highest form of flattery.)
In January we pulled Ashton out of regular middle school and decided to homeschool him. Within the next few months, as friends and family saw him, everyone remarked on how much he had improved. His speech was better, he seemed more outgoing and had loads of self-confidence. Score one for the Ash! In February, Kenan turned 11 and decided school wasn't important anymore. He is currently (I am proud to say) back on track, finally. March and April went on like life always does. In May, the love of my life turned 30, we had a big party and everybody celebrated what an awesome guy he is. (I can't believe we've spent more than half of our lives together, already, I'm very lucky) In June, I got to spend a fabulous 5 days in Costa Rica with my two very best girlfriends, with no cares or worries. (see I told you he was an awesome guy) After we came back from Costa Rica, I got to spend an additional 3-4 days meeting my ultra cool niece and nephews, and visiting with the aforementioned big brother and his lovely, glowing, pregnant wife. July came and I got to go to the beach alot, and surf a little, and I remembered why I liked being a stay at home mom. Yes, they still fight alot, but for some reason I took it in stride. In August, my pretty girl turned 9, and we made the big decision to take her out of regular school and homeschool her as well as Ashton. In September, not only did I turn 30, but my oldest son, turned 13, OMG! In October we had a lot of fun planning for Halloween (the one holiday everyone is excited about in my house) and the kids totally rocked their costumes. Spawn, a Shaolin Monk, and a Beautiful, yet deadly Ninja. In November, we had a great Thanksgiving, lots of people and lots of fun. I can't believe it but here we are at the end already, Xmas came yesterday. It was great. I had earlier lamented the fact that my kids were too old for toys and such, but my husband proved me wrong yet again. They received mega amounts of fun, cool toys. Genevieve is at this moment pelting me with her Nerf Blaster gun, (who gave her this thing), and giggling maniacally. The boys are playing with their dad. I am currently counting all my blessings. Lots of things happened in between, we went camping, the boys had their "first official up all night geeked-out on games" evening. I started gardening, which I'm really excited about.Parties and massive amounts of mischief. The year however, is not over yet. Chad is playing his first official gig, next week on the 30th. Which I am extremely excited and proud about, he is a great musician. Then we have New Year's to contend with.
It's good, real good.

Dec 8, 2006

To: You
From: Us
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year!

Dec 6, 2006

I do believe in fairies, I do, I do!

spirit back. Yeah!
I know for all you scrooges
out there, this may
seem trivial, but to me
it means alot. It came in the
form of a free Xmas tree, two to be exact.
I picked up my very cute nephews
from school yesterday and thought
it would be fun to go and look at the trees.
So we went, while we were walking around we heard
how they were going to throw
away a whole trailer full of trees. So
we go over to check them out and the gentleman
tells me, he is going to write them off and I could have them
if I wanted, but they probably won't last until Xmas.
*Poof*, a little twinkle came over me and I declared
that with a lot of love and water they would be just fine. Well
he looked at me like I was nuts and walked away. Luckily, I had Chad's
work truck with me and I pulled it up to the trailer and threw two beautiful trees in the back. We pulled out of the lot, tires squealing, feeling like it was too good to be true. I got home and cut a ton of branches off of them, sawed the trunk way up and gave them lots of *love* and water. Then I called a friend over, who had also been in need of a tree, and gave her the other one. *BAM*, there it was,
that old wonderful feeling came back with a

Dec 4, 2006

Do you ever feel like talking to yourself?

I told Chad the other day that I realized I like to talk. He wasn't surprised, maybe even a little amused. I frequently find myself having conversations with myself, I even answer back. Now, I have heard that's a sign of mental instability, frankly me and myself don't believe that. I think that's what a blog is, right, I mean you are talking to yourself. Maybe in hopes that you will be read by millions or just friends and family, but essentially you're talking to yourself. I think that during the day when I need adult company that's all I'm doing, just talking to myself with hope that someone will come along and talk with me. Maybe that's why somedays I blog alot and others not at all. Either way I've decided that yes, I like to talk alot, no, I don't care what you think, and be grateful that I don't fill your ears with all the nonsense I fill mine with.