Halloween is right around the corner, which of course means that Xmas decorations have been up for ages. SIDENOTE:(For all you christians out there who resent the fact that I took christ out of Xmas, give me a break and try and pretend that Jesus is still the reason for the season). Anyway, I got in my mail yesterday the big toy book that Toys R Us sends out every year, and as I was glancing through it I realized my kids are too big for toys. They don't really have any toys in their room, not ones that they actually play with anymore. Sure it's great that they are getting older and I can buy them other cool stuff: real drum sets, radios, they like getting nice clothes, etc. But the past few years my heart has not really been in it. I don't think it's because they are older, well maybe a little, when you have young kids around at Xmas it's fun and exciting to watch their little eyes light up at the tree with all the presents around it. I'm not trying to say that my kids are unappreciative, that's not the case at all. What I'm trying to say is I've lost the spirit. Everyone feels it, the hopelessness of not enough money, the huge list of people to get for, the guilt when you can't, and the frustration that you feel because you think you have too. Well this Xmas I still have yet to figure out a compromise, to keeping the fun loving spirit alive while keeping away the horrid compulsive consumerism that we are raised with in this country. I can't imagine waking up on Xmas morning and not having the tree and the presents and the stockings, but I also know that this is exactly what I have been entertaining the last few years. I told my beautiful husband that this year we are boycotting Xmas, he looked at me and smiled because he knows I could never do it. I want too, though really bad. It's the kids I tell myself, how disappointed they would be, but I know deep down that I would be also. So yet another dilemma for me to figure out, any suggestions? Oh and by the way Happy Halloween.
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