My father-in-law loves to send me his ridiculous narrow-minded Republican emails, I can actually here his gleeful chuckles as I read his propaganda. It's all good, don't tell him but I actually like when he sends them to me, it usually leads to some heated debate or such. Recently he actually sent me something useful that I wouldn't be ashamed to share. This website allows you to take a short quiz on where you stand on the issues and how important each one is to you. Then they tally up your responses and show you which candidate, by percent, that you side with. The cool thing is they show you how you rate with each candidate and which issues you agree on or don't. I had been leaning towards Clinton, not because she is a woman, how ridiculous, but because I feel that she and I are on the same page with the issues that mean the most to me. I took the quiz and, lo and behold I was right, both times I took it she came up as my number one. This has not been the case with everyone who has taken it, more than one person was surprised at the outcome, so I urge everyone to take the quiz, just to see. The reason for this is because this quiz inspired me to look up a couple of candidates websites, because while I have been leaning towards Clinton I was not sold on her just yet. She seems shady to me, but which politician isn't right?
I looked up McCain, I know, I know he's Republican but I am registered Independent for a reason. I looked up Clinton and liked what she had to say but I was still not sold on her. Then I looked up Barack Obama. I first saw him last year on a really late night talk show when Chad was out of town and I could not sleep. I really liked what he had to say, it seemed to me he really believed in what he was talking about. Unlike most who just spout what they think the majority wants to hear. The more I heard about him the more I liked but I had my reservations, I mean could he really fulfill these promises? Wasn't he a little naive? Well as I said I looked up his site and read what he had to say about the issues and then I came across this, The Blueprint for Change. It is exactly what it says it is, his blueprint for what he plans on doing with this country if he gets into office. In a regular easy to understand language. He list what he perceives is the problem, then gives the solution that he is proposing, then he also gives you his background on the issue, such as what he has previously voted and stood for.
I guess what I am trying to say here is this. Take a minute and look at all the candidates, someone might just surprise you. I know that what I am looking for is a little inspiration. Honestly, I find that in Obama, but I am still too skeptical of this country to believe that he can just waltz in there and do all the things he is promising. I want to believe though. I want to believe that someone out there can care about everyone and not just his/her own interests.
Can we?
What's up Doc?
15 years ago
1 comment:
I'm going along with Obama. I don't think he'll change everything he says he will, but there's something so damn fresh about the guy, you have to get a little happy listening to him. His presence has made this election that alone pushes him to the top for me. I, too, am sick of this capitalistic (greedy) system. Just look at the way people drive...that alone tells you who is in this life for themself and who realizes that they have to share the world with other people. To me, that's pretty much the only place we have any real differences...some people are stuck inside themselves, only seeing their own life and wants and needs, while others are able to see past their own noses, and cope with existing in and sharing the world with other people...rigid vs adaptable.
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