It has been a really long time. Not even sure, really what to write. Well, I guess that's not entirely true, I can give an update on what's been going on around here.
As you may have guessed we finally got the whole computer thing straightened out. They finally admitted that we had a dud and exchanged it for a new one. Only after replacing the mother board four times, which by the way cost them about $250 a pop, and we only paid $870 for the CPU. You do the math because it seems to me they gypped themselves out of a bit of money seeing as they had to give us a new CPU anyway. Although they would not exchange our CPU for an Apple (even though it was a slight downgrade, a bit less memory) seeing as how their policy is technology for technology and apparently an Apple is not a PC? They did however end up giving us a CPU that was about 8x the computer we did have, go figure. The last thing I am going to say on this subject is, that it seems like we got the better end of the deal, until you factor in that we paid them to back-up our files on our old computer and they say they did, but neither Chad or I can figure out how to retrieve it off the hard drive they gave us. So I get to mourn again the loss of my pictures. Unless by some miracle we are doing something wrong (anyone?) when trying to retrieve our old files. It seems to be easy, (there is a spot to click on that says retrieve files and when we do it tells us we have no files to retrieve) but you never know with this technology stuff.
Chad and I are doing okay, he's been working, playing a little bit, they last played the weekend before Xmas at a huge skate party, it was cool. I have, as of this Saturday, become unemployed again. Which is cool also, but I am already sweating a tiny bit about the loss of funds. No worries I keep telling myself we will succeed through all of this. Just hasn't been a fun few weeks. Ashton is still doing well homeschooling he improves a little bit everyday. He and I really enjoy our days together, haven't been doing too many field trips though, the price of gas and technically we don't have a car right now. Still having a good time. I have to tell you that last night he was awarded his red belt in Tae Kwon Do, which is an amazing feat. The board breaking technique that he had to perform was called a flying sidekick, which means that he had to run from across the room, jump, and hit the board just right and at the right angle in order to break it. Pretty hard to do. He has two more belts before he hits black belt. Yeah, ASH! Kenan is an amazing child, amazingly frustrating, but amazing still the same. He is still having some problems getting his act together in school, but Chad and I are working on the best possible solutions to help him succeed. He is in 7th grade this year and we keep telling him that it matters, we'll just have to see if he straightens up and decided to believe us or not. He will also be 13 in a little less than a month, my babies, just aren't babies anymore. Genevieve, Genevieve, where do I start with this child. She is cool as hell, fierce, independent, smart. She is doing well back in regular school, she has some friends, and her teachers love her. She was on the A-B honor roll the first grading period, so we are really proud. She is trying hard.
The holidays came and went without a splash, sometimes I find myself wondering if they even came at all. We chose to do nothing for Thanksgiving this year, at first I was a little bit bummed, but I have to tell you it was really nice, we hung out at the house and did nothing. Xmas and New Year's were just like any other, they came and went. We did get a trampoline so that's been fun. Not too much been happening here.
1 comment:
try going to search and follow the instuctions for pictures, music and videos and see what you come up with. if you dont know its at the start button when you click on it
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