The kids and I, for Earth Day, learned how to properly recycle. We went to the local recycling company and procurred new bins for us and our neighbors. We received tips on how to recycle properly. Here are a few we learned:
1. plastic, cans, and glass go in the blue bin. (colors may vary for )
2. paper and cardboard go in the green bin. (each individual place)
3. water bottles are not recyclable, in most places, and take 6 liters
for every one liter of water to create because of the cooling process.
4. glossy newspaper inserts and magazines are recyclable.
We have a place on our counters that we taped blue and green paper with the instructions for recycling. This makes it very simple for the kids, and us, to remember what goes where. We just place the item on the corresponding colored paper. It's easy and the kids are doing an awesome job. As today is our trash and recycling pick-up, I have realized that in the last few weeks, since we have implemented this system, we have cut our actual garbage down to about 2-3 bags per week. (we also have a compost bin in the backyard, which helps with all the food scraps) I thought this was pretty impressive as we used to have about 5-6 garbage bags a week. As usual I am encouraging everyone to visit their local recycling company and see what you can reduce your garbage to.
Let us know.
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