May 6, 2007

Did you know? *warning*

Eating meat harms the planet. Consider how eating meat affects the Earth:

Water resources: Nearly half of all the water consumed in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food. A totally vegetarian diet requires 300 gallons of water per day, while a meat-based diet requires more than 4,000 gallons of water per day.

Global Warming: Eating meat contributes to global warming. The massive amount of animal feces produced in factory farms is the largest source of airborne methane. According to the EPA, methane is more than 20 times more effective than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Pollution: Farmed animals produce about 130 times as much excrement as the entire human population of the United States. According to the EPA the run-off from factory farms pollutes our rivers and lakes more than all industrial sources combined.

Energy: Of all the raw materials and fossil fuels used in the U.S., more than 1/3 are used to raise animals for food.

(taken from publication)
Just a little pause for the cause, so to say.
and I definetely won't tell you that..
The most toxic form of the poison arsenic is used in chicken feed because it promotes faster growth. The National Institutes of Health warns that this cancer-causing chemical is then ingested by people who eat chicken flesh.

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