So I was reading the newspaper on Sunday and I was heartened to see the headline-"House Oks $16 billion in taxes on oil companies"
I read the first few paragraphs out loud to Chad so we could discuss, this is the gist of it. Basically, the democratic-led House, while declaring a new direction in energy policy, approved $16 billion in taxes on oil companies while providing tax breaks and incentives for renewable energy and conservation efforts. Republican opponents said the legislation ignored the need to provide more domestic oil, natural gas, and coal. One Republican was quoted as saying..."the pure venom.. against the oil and gas industry."
Well, duh... yeah, there is venom against this particular industry, not because of what they produce , because let's face it we all use and depend on it, but instead the fact that they vehemently deny and even encourage distortion of the facts that this is one of the lead causes of global warming. And in denying, allow themselves no out to try and come up with a plausible solution. Instead they push aside their conscience, choose to fatten their wallets, and thicken our air.
I thought what a great thing, they are going to hit them where it hurts, until Chad brought up the very good point that it won't hurt the oil companies they'll just raise the price of gas again. Oh shite, he's right, then I said well that's when it is our turn to do our part and choose wiser, more fuel efficient products. We got into a discussion about how everyone would have to do this in order to make any kind of difference. I think these changes are inevitable, who can afford a $45 gas fill up twice a week?
I decided to finish the article.
House speaker Nancy Pelosi said " We are turning to the future." My heart excited I read on. Part of the bill calls for more stringent efficiency standards for appliances and lighting and incentives for building more 'green' buildings. I was thrilled, this is something that I have been looking at lately for our home, and different options and ideas for that 'dream home' Chad and I are always constructing.
Then I read on and quickly remembered this is politics that we are dealing with. One back does not get scratched on it's own.
" Democrats avoided a nasty fight by ignoring.... calls for automakers to make vehicles more fuel efficient."
Aha, we have come to the real story. Yes, the democratic house won a victory, but not against the oil companies. What is really happening , is the everyday person, you know you and I, we are getting screwed, royally. We are the ones, who, if we have the heart and the want to change , can't afford a major overhaul all at once. We can only change a little at a time, while still having to pay outrageous prices for oil which we are 'almost' forced to use. I say 'almost' because we can get radical and hippie-like, but for the most part that is not a realistic option . For the people who have the means to negotiate a major overhaul of fuel-efficiency, well let's just say that most of them are not so motivated to do this.
So the rest of us, the regular guy, can just bend over, take a deep breath, and relax, while the guys who make all the decisions insert the gas nozzle and smile.

music: Modest Mouse- The Lonesome Crowded West
the structure of American society is such a trap...our cities are so sprawled out you HAVE to drive to get where you need to go.
I'm leaving for Europe asap...wanna come?
hell yes.
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