Jul 2, 2007

The Impish Faerie with Pink Gossamer Wings

The beautiful faerie captures the lady of the water, and says to her "You will do my bidding or else."

The lady of the water looks at her amused, and with a small grin on her face, inquires "What exactly does 'or else' entail?"

The faerie stares her down and says nothing more. She lightly, oh so lightly, presses her shining pink gossamer wings into the lady of the water's face. Slightly, ever so slightly, presses harder and harder until the lady is forced under the water as the faerie giggles maniacally.

The lady of the water has now decided it is time to show who rules the depths of this water. She says in a loud and roaring voice, " I am Queen here, who do you think you are? I rule these waters and you will do as I say, and I demand one request."

The faerie seems to shrink and says with a shaky voice "Which is?"

"I ask for one kiss from the beautiful impish faerie with the pink gossamer wings," demands the lady of the water.

Which the clever faerie gives to her without the slightest hesitation. All is made well in the murky waters of the kingdom which the lady rules.

1 comment:

Rik Speed. said...

"All is made well..."

well, of course, lesbians are always happy, aren't they..?