Jun 12, 2007


Well the beginning of summer is upon us, and I have been busy. I deep cleaned my house for two weeks, and then had a weekend long party and destroyed it. (pictures soon) Deep cleaned as in scrubbed down every room top to bottom. May not seem like a big deal to you but I fucking, yeah fucking, hate cleaning. How much do you say? Kenan asked this very question, (because he couldn't believe that I would hate cleaning more than him. The answer I gave him follows.) I said " If someone told me that I would never have to clean again for the rest of my life if I would but give away one of my children, I would seriously consider it." He was shocked and hurt by my answer. I didn't say I would do it, just that I would lie awake at night trying to justify it. :)

Anyways, that's been the whole of my summer so far. I have made a promise to myself to go to the beach at least once a week. You might wonder why, I, the surfer girl have to force myself to go to the beach. I wonder the same thing, as I can't recall the last time I went. So I put it on my summer schedule.

My book reading is going. I can't really say much more about it. I've read two books so far and the first one was alright, the second is not even worth mentioning. I start the third one today. I must admit that I liked trashing the second book in review. Evil? I don't think so, new career for me? maybe. Why, oh why, do you have to have a degree for everything in this country? It didn't used to be like that, right?

and oh yeah, I'm in the work force again. Hopefully just for the summer but we all know how 'the best laid plans of mice and men' work.

current plans:

1 comment:

Rik Speed. said...

current plans include growing naked girls in your garden..?!?

you gotta give me some of them seeds!