So when I woke up this morning, it was kind of drizzly and rainy, not such a great way to start our Spring Break vacation.( Quite honestly I didn't mind, we needed the rain and I love the rain.) Anyways, I decided to let the munchkins watch Eragon,
while I had a little computer time. As the morning progressed this is what became of the weather.
Needless to say, it's gorgeous out now. So we shall commence with the Spring Break activities. Here's the list: library, grocery shopping, beach, pool, dentist appointments, Evie's speech and occupational therapy, the dinosaur exhibit at the local botanical gardens, washing the 1200 cars currently in our front yard, none of which technically belong to us. I know it sounds just like a regular week for us, but it's exciting because... we don't have to get up early? I don't know, the point is, it's vacation for 10 days, we shall be having tons of fun and these are my "hot dates" for the week.

What's up Doc?
15 years ago
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