I had a conversation with my sister-in-law today about this. What prompted it was the fact that I went and saw 300 last night. In the first 3 minutes I felt like the most overprotective mother in the world. I told her this, and the fact that my husband tells me I baby our boys. He has constantly told me that we are raising men. I always understood what he was talking about, but I don't really think I changed my actions very much, maybe occasionally here and there. I do not however baby my daughter, I constantly thrill at the fact that she is one tough bitch. I know what it is like to be a passive girl, and will not allow that to be her fate. After all "Well behaved women seldom make history." (thanks green-eyed-godess, been wanting to use that one ) When you see this movie, or if you have, you will understand. They "were Spartans" and they took no shit from anyone. Granted we do not live in as violent a world as they did back then, but that is only here in America and a few other parts of the world. Most countries, as we all know, are not as lucky as we are. But if you use your brain at all, you can see a darker time coming for us privileged Americans. Soon we will not be so lucky, war on our soil is inevitable, especially if our current President and his party get to stay in charge. Maybe not even on our soil, but still we are sending our "men" to fight. They are not men people but boys, soon mine will be at the age, and frankly it scares the crap out of me. Not because I don't believe they can rise to the challenge, but for the fact that they will have to fight (don't get me started here) alongside of the PC-parented children. This world is not fair, and you do your child no favor by raising him to think that it is. I know most parents can not be at home with their kids, and I am sorry. But to spoil them and allow them excess because of your guilt will bring the downfall of all. Children crave discipline, they toe that line constantly, they want to know where their boundaries are. If you do not give them one, then you have failed. Ask any preschool teacher out there, they will tell you that the unruly kids are not always the neglected ones. Most of the time they are the spoiled and guilt-ridden parented children. I have always believed that it takes a village to raise a child. If my children are not behaving, I expect you to voice that to them, I expect you to hold me to my shortcomings as a parent. No, I will not sue you, I will not take offense (at least not later when I think on it :) but I will know that someone cares about someone else, and in return cares about all of us.
Please people, think of the future, not what makes you feel better for the moment. Our children and theirs will live in a world so vastly different from ours. They will have to fight- to live, eat, breathe, for everything. By giving them everything, we have left them nothing. Please do not allow your children to numb their brains away with technology. Inspire them, teach them, discipline them. For if you won't, I will.
We are our own worst enemy, not threat from abroad. We will contribute to our own downfall, by refusing to open our eyes.