I have been thinking a lot about friends and the types of people I want in my life.

There are people who are needy:
they want and want from you without giving you a second thought. These people believe that they themselves are being good friends and never see the selfishness in which they act.
There are people who will party with you:
these types of friends are great to go out and pal around with. They usually have a ton of friends and are always up for something to do. On the other hand you don't really count on them when the shit hits the fan.
Then, there are people who are your friends:
these people know who you are, love who you are, and don't ask you to change. They tell you when you are fucking up and they are standing there holding your hand when the world is falling down.
With all my ruminations about friends lately, I have begun to see that most of us fall into more than one category. Nobody wants to believe they fall into the first category, but I bet you can think of someone, somewhere, at some point in your life, when you were that kind of friend.
How about today?
What kind of friend are you? To whom? All the time? Or, just when it suits you?