Some people have been pressuring me to write more in my blog lately, (are you satisfied?) the truth is, I haven't really had much to say. Life, lately has been a series of tiny ups and really big downs, so to sit and philosophize has not been upmost in my head. I figured that I would just write about our year, last year, without all the downs.
In the beginning of last year Kenan was still fucking off in school so I am extremely excited to say that he made the honor roll the first nine weeks and it looks like he will make it again this nine weeks, we will find out the beginning of February. He has been doing so well in school, taking advanced classes even, that he has been scouted by a few of the high schools to join their various programs, a pre-international baccalaureate program, a dual-enrollment where he can possibly earn an AA degree at the same time as his high school diploma, and the one he is really interested in a Vet asssistance program. His current plans for his future is to become a biologist, so he can be a vet in zoos and work with the big animals. So we are very proud of him and how he has matured this year. He will be 14 in a month and is turning into an upstanding man.

Genevieve is still her same old independent spritey self. She has fun, is fearless, and loves to laugh. This year she has also been doing well in school, she is jumping leaps and bounds with her reading and math skills, which has made us very proud. She is quickly growing into a young woman, with all the complicities that implies.

Ashton has also matured this year, his schooling is coming along great, we are focusing mostly on life skills, and he is rising to the challenge of being an independent adult. I love getting to spend all day with him, he has an awesome sense of humor, and an uncommon sense of peace about him that makes everyone love him.
Chad and I are still plugging along day to day trying to find our niche in this life. Trying to stay connected to one another, while the hassles of everyday try and keep us complacent.
I am extremely excited and hopeful now that our current President is in office, and from what I have seen so far from him he has yet to disappoint. I actually saw the inauguration, the first one ever for me, and I was inspired. The man is an amazing speaker. So I hope that this year is better for us as a family, last year was a bit hard, but no matter. I have hope, and I have ambition. Everyday I remind myself all of the things I am working toward and not to be distracted, all of the things I can be thankful for. Happy New Year everyone, let it be a good one.
(we ended up having a Mardi Gras Xmas, more pictures to come soon.)