Feb 26, 2007

we are not as superior as we once imagined.

Took this off of one of my new favorite sites to look at....


they have all kinds of stuff on there, I bookmarked it as interesting.

Chimpanzees are intelligent, and it's classic in primates that when there is a new innovation, particularly in terms of tool use, the younger generations pick it up very quickly. Now it seems that they are even using wooden spears to hunt for food!
Chimpanzees in Senegal have been observed making and using wooden spears to hunt other primates, according to a study in the journal Current Biology.Researchers documented 22 cases of chimps fashioning tools to jab at smaller primates sheltering in cavities of hollow branches or tree trunks.Chimps had not been previously observed hunting other animals with tools.Chimpanzees were observed jabbing the spears into hollow trunks or branches, over and over again. After the chimp removed the tool, it would frequently smell or lick it.In the vast majority of cases, the chimps used the tools in the manner of a spear, not as probes. The researchers say they were using enough force to injure an animal that may have been hiding inside.

Feb 23, 2007

Kenan Oliver

Well,well,well. The day is here, today Kenan is 12, which basically, officially, means that he gets to ride shotgun in grandma's car, ha. (That one was for him folks, don't try to understand :)

Anyways, to get back to the subject at hand, it's my middle child's birthday. He is a typical example of a middle child, we'll leave it at that. (I should note that I am also a middle child, but I am one of two middle children, so maybe there is a difference?) Kenan and I have always had our ups and downs, 27 hours in delivery, with a C-section at the end, started us off. He has always been a beautiful kid, when he was a baby he was always smiling. He continues to grow into a very handsome young man, he's smart, he can be gracious when he wants. He has so many ideas in his head, so many places that he wants to go. I just hope that one day he uses them, that one day he goes.

Kenan, you and I have had many talks over the years, and I'm sure we will have many more. Make no doubt about it, I will be an embarrassment to you, there will be times that you won't want me around, times where you feel that you can't come and talk to me. Oh, who am I kidding we've reached that plateau. I just want you to know, you can always talk to me about anything. I also want you to know that your embarrassment of me, will not stop me from being who I am, and I hope that I never stop you from being who you are. No one should.

We love you, Kenan Oliver, Happy Birthday!

Feb 18, 2007

Tell me....

what has your government done for you lately?

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Keep ignoring the important matters, because we live in a land of freedom, and soon you will wake up in a completely different world. Those of you ignoring these issues and allowing other people to make your informed decision for you, are leading us all down the road to ruin. The people that you love will be affected by this in some form or another one day. The elections are right around the corner, now is the time to become informed.

Feb 4, 2007

shameless plugs

A friend of ours brought this over, now my girlie and I really like the Gorillaz, so we enjoyed the concert greatly. If you haven't seen it check it out, it's worth watching and recommending here on my little site.

Secondly, if anyone would like to sponsor me for this, boy I would be eternally grateful, I would set up an account with a quickness, if anyone was interested. I would of course need a chaperone, so you would also need to sponsor my loving husband, and that girlie of mine needs research for her future lifestyle.

Thanks for listening. sincerely, me.

Feb 3, 2007

The Fairy Reel


Neil Gaiman

If I were young as once I was, and dreams
and death more distant then,
I wouldn't split my soul in two, and keep
half in the world of men,
So half of me would stay at home, and
strive for Faerie in vain,
While all the while my soul would stroll up
narrow path, down crooked lane,
And there would meet a fairy lass and
smile and bow with kisses three,
She'd pluck wild eagles from the air
and nail me to a lightning tree
And if my heart would run from her or
flee from her, be gone from her,
She'd wrap it in a nest of stars and then
she'd take it on with her
Until one day she'd tire of it, all bored
with it and done with it
She'd leave it by a burning brook, and off
brown boys would run with it.
They'd take it and have fun with it and
stretch it long and cruel and thin,
They'd slice it into four and then they'd
string with it a violin.
And every day and every night they'd
play upon my heart a song
So plaintitive and so wild and strange that
all who heard it danced along
And sang and whirled and sank and trod and
skipped and slipped and reeled and rolled
Until, with eyes as bright as coals, they'd
crumble into wheels of gold....
But I am younger no longer now, for sixty
years my heart's been gone
To play its dreadful music there, beyond
the valley of the sun.
I watch with envious eyes and mind, the
single-souled, who dare not feel
The wind that blows beyond the moon
who do not hear the Fairy Reel.
If you don't hear the Fairy Reel, they will
not pause to steal your breath.
When I was young I was a fool.
So wrap me up in dreams and death.