Nov 17, 2006

Some things are worth saving

So awhile ago I wrote a post on Lazy Days (aug. 31, 2006). Basically in that post I realized that I've have been lazy in regards to the environment in which my children are growing up in. I vowed to do something about it, now my solution is not going to stop global warming, or impact very many people, but the animals around my house are going to be happy. When we first bought our house, 5-6 years ago we were one of 5-6 houses on our immediate street and probably one of 30 houses in my immediate neighborhood. What this means is that there were tons of empty lots filled with trees and wildlife all around us, we thought how awesome. Our kids can run, bike, and be free to roam our neighborhood without too much worry on our part, in short the kind of childhood we had always wanted for them. It has been great, but in this relatively small amount of time, we are now one of 9 houses on our street and there are more than 100 houses in our immediate neighborhood. This obviously means no more frollicking in the "woods", less and less wildlife everyday, basically not enough nature and too many neighbors for my taste. Yes, this was inevitable but no one really saw it happening with the quickness that it did in our area. We have seen black racers (snake), marsh rabbits, turtles, tree frogs, whooping cranes, countless other animals flushed from their homes (even a very scared rattlesnake on a bike ride one day) due to the development out here. Which brings me to my point. The kids and I have decided to create a natural wildlife habitat as sanctuary to some of these animals (hopefully the rattlesnake is long gone :) So to keep track, for school and fun, I have created another blog. If you're interested check it out

Nov 16, 2006

The '50s, what an innocent time

So Ashton and I found those old Dick and Jane books at the library recently. You know the ones, Run, Spot, run. See Spot run. Anyways we were reading one today and I felt like a huge pervert I could not help myself from giggling and here's why, verbatim from the book:
Find Dick
...."I can not find Dick.
Help me, Sally.
Help me find Dick."
Jane said, "Oh Father.
I can not find Dick.
And we can not play.
Help me, Father.
Help me find Dick."
Father said, "Look Jane.
Look, look, look.
You can find Dick."
Sally said, "Oh, oh.
I see Dick now.
Father and I see Dick.
We see funny Dick.
Look, Jane, look.
You can find Dick now."
I still feel like a pervert, because I'm still giggling.

Nov 15, 2006

Tell me if I dote too much....

This kid is pure in heart, mind, and soul. I think that's why the dark side attracts him so much. Oh yeah, and he loves that shirt.

This one is in trouble right now, that's him to the right in his dungeon, the pictures above are of a happier time. What I don't think he realizes is how much we love him anyway.

The epitome of happiness

So have I ever said how much I love this kid. We gave each other pedicures the other day, didn't she do an awesome job!

Nov 11, 2006

It started out as a Thursday night normally does...

Chad and I chillin' like villains on the back porch.

When...... Jabin and Natasha came by.......

this is what follows.................

lots of merry and mischief, wish you could have been there........................

Nov 9, 2006

One of those life days.....

Sometimes you just have to take charge.

Nov 5, 2006

Freedom, woohoo!

So this morning I wake up to lots and lots of disgustingness (is that a word, oh well, it is now).

1. My septic tank has backed up into my shower, ewww, and toilet in my bathroom. It has not yet reached the kids' bathroom (thank god 2 of them are at grandma's) but who knows how long we are going to be able to "hold it". Chad is in Ft. Lauderdale visiting with friends, (supermom is busting out her uniform) so I am here to deal with it.

2. The sky is greyish/black because the heavens are going to open up and lavish my yard with much needed rain at any moment. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love the rain. Any other Sunday morning I would be rushing out to get the paper, making a huge pot of coffee, and envisioning a whole lot of nothing going on today. Obviously this is not the case, all I can help but think is, will the septic guys pump my shit in the rain, are they going to charge me even more than they already are, shit, shit, and double shit, I mean that literally folks.

which leads me to.....

3. I sit down at my desk make a few calls, I only have to wait an hour or three for someone to get here, and decide to make the best out of it. Screw the paper I'll save a tree and read my news online (which is what I do all week, but I like the crosswords on Sundays) and lo and behold what do I see Suddam Hussein has been sentenced to death. I bet you are wondering why this disgusts me, right? If you have been following this at all, you know that this trial has dragged on for various different reasons, he has so much contempt for the court it's almost laughable. They finished trying and convicting him, I believe more than three months ago, here it comes.... they sentence him to death 2 days before the elections. Some of you naive folks out there are going yeah and... well I am cynical enough to believe this was planned. Any one, anyone? Come on people, the republicans were worried, they had the potential to lose, their representatives are coming out of the closet albeit, not on their own, they are being accused of *hush* gay sexual harrasment *hush*, and they are not winning this war, not at all. They won't even put that their party is Republican on their t.v. ads, all you see is an itsy bitsy tiny "R" at the bottom. ( An interesting sidenote: a bit ago I saw a poll of Iraqi teenagers asking them if violence would go down in their country if Americans pulled out, an astonishing number said Yes. ) So here we are 2 days before the election, and amazingly enough Suddam Hussein is going to hang, unless he wins on appeal, but that won't come for another 2 months or so, long after the election fight has come and gone. So Bush will get to tout that he brought down this monster, but before everyone starts waving their flags around, does anyone remember that we weren't even looking for this guy, that Bush Sr. was the one to give Suddam so much of what he had, didn't we go to Iraq looking for WMD! Have we found any( besides No. Korea, and the only reason we know about those are because they started firing them off, has anyone knocked on their door to say WTF!, I mean really) did we find Osama Bin Laden, who don't forget was also given weapons, money, and power, by the Bush adminstration, does any one even care anymore?

I am disgusted this morning for a lot of reasons: for people who don't think before they vote, Hey assholes, my kids have to grow up in this country and I don't want your right wing conservatism shoved down their throats. For people in Iraq who were thrust into a very political war, not for their freedom, as so many want us to believe, but lets face it folks, our President and our Vice President have much to gain if the oil in Iraq is under our control. Like I said, I'm disgusted and it's not the smell that's wafting from my bathroom, there are too many to name, this is starting to become a diatribe, so I'm done.

There is good news: the septic guy is on his way, yeah! the rain has held, so maybe I will get to enjoy it with peace of mind, yeah!

Let's all just keep our fingers crossed that on Tuesday it ends up the same way.

Nov 4, 2006

Rock Star

All right, I suck I could have sworn I got video footage of my beautiful girl rocking out with her daddy and friends, but alas as I go to post I see I only got pictures. So the world wide debut is not as spectacular as I had planned, but here it is anyway.

Ain't she cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's got style and all the makings and personality of a real rocker.

I love that kid.

Nov 3, 2006

Dogs do smile

So I wanted to fool around with adding videos and I love my dog. Isn't she cute? She loves the H2O, frequently ruins my sprinklers, and never allows my plants to get watered. But I love her anyways. Continue to stay tuned for Evie Eden's world wide debut...

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Nov 1, 2006

Candy, Candy, Candy

The red ninja a.k.a. Ethan, supercool Spiderman Jack, Kenan the wise shaolin monk

the beautiful yet deadly ninja Genevieve, Ashton is..... SPAWN.

No halloween is complete without a couple of cats (especially a black one) some jack o'lanterns and a shitload of candy!