Nothing makes me happier than a rainy day. How can you not love it, the cool breeze, the chance to sit curled up with a good book, or take a hot steamy bath. The rain pitter-patting against the window.
All right, all right, this is starting to sound like an intro to a lifetime family movie.
The rain does hold a special little place in my heart though, I lost my virginity in the rain. No I'm not going to go into the sordid details, but those of you who know me were getting a little worried, huh?
Suffice to say I love the rain, and I've missed the little afternoon showers that usually come through my yard every afternoon, but have been decidedly obsolete this summer. I miss the so-called winters that have been less and less each year down here in sunny Florida. Although, I must say, I am and forever will be a tropical people. The current situation we are in is one we were aware of as children, you know this global warming. My handsome and very intelligent husband reminded me of that fact just yesterday. When we were little do you remember the warnings, and we were ready to take action. We were ready to do what needed to be done. What the hell happened, we got old and lazy, that's what happened. Why did we suddenly stop caring about what was going on, at just the point where we could actually do something about it? I mean most of us have kids or want to have kids or want more kids. So why do we sit back and do nothing as the world continues to grow more and more unstable around us? This is not going to get any better. Soon, and much too soon for my tastes there will be nothing left. No more forests or pastures, no more clean oceans or lakes, nothing. Does anyone of us still sit and think on this like we may/or may not have as kids? I will be the first to admit that while I rant and rave on this subject from time to time I never try to come up with a solution. But am I willing to keep being lazy and let my kids and their kids pay the price. No, but what to do, what to do?
Shit, this was going to be a short and sweet little blurb about how I spent my rainy day yesterday making bead bracelets and playing games with my kids and the aforementioned hot and cuddly hubby. Now I've gone and made a public promise to stop being lazy. Shit, shit, shit.
I have work to get done now, so... I've got to go.